Holiday Resort Plastic Bottle Removal

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Holiday Resort Plastic Bottle Removal

" Our guests expect clean, pure water during their holiday "

Owner of 37 holiday properties in Scotland

Key numbers


1.5L plastic bottles saved per year


savings on the purchase of bottled water per year.

20 years

of reliance on bottled water and displaying boil notices

Our client owns an off grid holiday resort on the banks of Loch Awe, an iconic Scottish tourist destination.

The resorts tap water has never been drinkable, and as a result they have had to provide an estimated 1.2 Million plastic bottles over the last 20 years.

In this case study, we explore how the WaterOne technology was used to replace the need for bottled water by providing crystal clear water from previously untreatable sources.

The problem

The brown water turns customers off!

"Customers expect luxury for their holidays, and we want to be able to provide clean water in every cabin without relying on bottled water."

Despite the fact that they always offer their guests bottled water, our clients still suffer from the 'yuck factor' when some guests turn on their taps.

Our £30,000 State-Of-The-Art system has never been able to cope

"Traditional purifiers just can’t cope. We have very peaty water that over time just kills the RO systems."

The resort tried multiple purification methods spending thousands on the problem, but nothing has managed to deal with the level of contamination consistently.

It would be imposible to replace all of our pipes

"Even if a big central system did work, we have 20 years of build up peat in our pipes. We would be purifying water and it would be coloured again at the tap."

This is the same challenge many properties face around the world. Large centralised systems can provide large water volumes, but this pure water then needs to travel through long pipe networks, often staying in the pipes for days or weeks, before bing consumed.

In rural environments this is especially challenging, where any microbial contaminants in the pipes can undo all of the hard purification work previously done.

We go through 60,000 plastic bottles a year 

"Up until this point, bottles have been the only option."

The resort provides bottled water for all of its guests free of charge all across the facility and in each individual room.

In the main hotel where the restaurant is and meals are served, bottled water is used in the kitchens for everything from cooking to washing hands.

What we did

We installed a WaterOne to remove the need for plastic bottles in the kitchen area only.

"The process took about an hour, and for ease of install we chose an area near to the kitchens, where there was ready access to a water and power, and we could easily refill jugs and carafes ."

We tested the water before and after using UKAS labs

As with all WaterOne trial instillations, our engineers took multiple before and after samples to measure the effectiveness of the system.

We were testing for a range of contaminants including Bacteria and Heavy Metals like Manganese previously found in the area.

The results speak for themselves.

"We wanted clear water, but this is above what we were expecting."

Our client’s family and his guests would have been able to access instant clean water on site that could either be bottled and distributed, or piped to a number of outlets.

The results

Over £13,000 savings in bottled water a year

Scottish Water provided us with the test results which demonstrated the WaterOne successfully passed all the required standards. Bacteria, E. coli, heavy metals, and other parameters within the full Drinking Water Inspectorate suite were removed.

This is just one example of where drinking water quality and access can change over-night, and a lack of a reliable alternative technology led to a very significant investment to address the water quality challenges.

Why the WaterOne system works

The IF WaterOne system uses vapour distillation converting water into vapour, then condensing it to produce purified water.

This method uses no consumable parts, which over time clog and fail, letting through harmful contaminants.

The high internal temperatures remove all Bacteria and Viruses, and distillation's robust and reliable process ensures a consistent supply of safe drinking water from any source.

a miniature vapour compression distillation system without consumable parts or chemicals, which works in 45 minutes to begin purifying previously untreatable water – and would get rid of parasites such as those seen in a recent outbreak in south-west England.

Pre-treated water compared to water which has been through the IF technology .

Pre-treated water compared to water which has been through the IF technology .© Provided by The Irish News (US)

Years of research, design, prototyping and tests helped with the development of technology proven to provide the purest water from previously unusable sources, including from the Glasgow canal water. IF also carries out hundreds of tests through independent, accredited laboratories.

