Postdoctoral Research Opportunities in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)I'm getting ready to reply regarding Dr. Martin Kanyagui's post-doc ...

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Postdoctoral Research Opportunities in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)I'm getting ready to reply regarding Dr. Martin Kanyagui's post-doc ...
Postdoctoral Research Opportunities in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

I'm getting ready to reply regarding Dr. Martin Kanyagui's post-doc opportunities. I believe that spreading the word about this excellent program to other postdoc candidates would be very beneficial. I am distributing this information to all postdoc candidates on this platform using the following message:
Postdoctoral Research Opportunities in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

Dear Dr. Martin Kanyagui,
It appears that you are considering postdoctoral research positions in the WASH field. It gives me great pleasure to offer you resources and information to help in your search.

**Sandec News**
Sandec News is an invaluable resource for staying updated on current research, publications, and events within the WASH sector. Their website hosts reports, publications, and posters covering various WASH topics.

**How Sandec News can assist you:**
- **Research updates:** Keep abreast of the latest research findings and advancements in the WASH field.
- **Networking opportunities:** Connect with WASH professionals and researchers through Sandec News events and online platforms.
- **Job postings:** Sandec News frequently advertises WASH-related positions, including postdoctoral research opportunities.

**Additional Resources**
Here are some useful links for exploring further opportunities:
- **WASHJobs:** [](
- **Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor:** [](
- **International Water Management Institute (IWMI):** [](
- **Global Water Partnership (GWP):** [](

**Expert Contact**
For any inquiries or assistance, please reach out to Dr. George Wainaina. He serves as a Linking WASH professional to resources and knowledge daily, and is a Knowledge Broker at Eawag-Sandec. Dr. Wainaina's contact details are available on the Sandec News website or through direct contact with me.

**IWMI Vacancies**
IWMI currently lists several open positions related to WASH, which may offer relevant experience and collaboration opportunities within the field.

**IHE Delft Resources**
Explore postdoctoral research opportunities and related programs at IHE Delft:
- **Postdoctoral Research Opportunities:** [](
- **WASH Research Group:** [](
- **PhD Research Programmes:** [](

**Additional Tips**
- Clearly define your research interests and expertise to target relevant positions effectively.
- Network actively within the WASH community through conferences, workshops, and webinars.
- Persistence is key in the competitive search for a postdoctoral position.

I trust this information proves useful to you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

**Contact Information**
Dr. George Wainaina: Details can be found on the Sandec News website or by contacting me directly.
IWMI Global Headquarters:
- Telephone: +94 112880000
- Fax: +94 112786854
- Email:
- General Enquiries:
- Media Requests: Please contact IWMI's communications team.

Best Regards
Dr. Hossein Ataei Far
