Ensuring Uninterrupted Water Supply During Flooding: Practical Strategies and Field Experiences for Raw and Purified Water StorageAuthor: Dr. Ho...

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Ensuring Uninterrupted Water Supply During Flooding: Practical Strategies and Field Experiences for Raw and Purified Water StorageAuthor: Dr. Ho...
Ensuring Uninterrupted Water Supply During Flooding: Practical Strategies and Field Experiences for Raw and Purified Water Storage

Author: Dr. Hossein Ataei Far

### **Singapore's Water Management Strategies (PUB Singapore, 2020)**
**Dual-Function Reservoirs** 🌉
- **Application**: Urban flood-prone areas.
- **Design**: Marina Barrage serves as both a water reservoir and flood control structure.
- **Benefit**: Manages water supply and flood risks simultaneously, using gates to control water levels.

**Smart Water Grid** 🌐
- **Application**: City-wide water supply network.
- **Design**: Network of sensors for real-time monitoring and control.
- **Benefit**: Optimizes water distribution, quickly responds to flood conditions, and maintains supply.

**Desalination Plants** 🏭
- **Application**: Coastal areas with limited freshwater resources.
- **Design**: Desalination facilities located away from flood-prone zones.
- **Benefit**: Ensures a continuous supply of potable water, even during heavy rainfall or flooding.

### Summary of Key Measures
1. **Elevated and Raised Storage Facilities** 🏗️: Protects against floodwaters, ensuring water remains uncontaminated and accessible.
2. **Emergency Bypass and Overflow Systems** 💧: Diverts excess water, protecting treatment plants and maintaining operations.
3. **Flexible and Modular Design** 🔄: Allows for expansion and adaptation to changing conditions.
4. **Automated Monitoring and Control Systems** 🤖: Provides real-time management and rapid response during floods.
5. **Dual-Function Infrastructure** 🌉: Combines water storage with flood control to maximize efficiency and protection.
A long-term strategy covering water supply, wastewater collection, and water and wastewater treatment during flooding is required for the management, storage, and distribution of water. All new locations must be compatible with this all-encompassing strategy. Reservoir Management: Many water treatment facilities rely on reservoirs as a primary source of raw water.
Building sufficient emergency storage capacity is essential for buffering fluctuations in raw water quality and quantity during floods. Facilities often maintain reserve storage tanks or basins to store untreated water during flood events, allowing treatment processes to continue even if the primary water source is compromised.

### References:
1. **UNESCO (2021)**. *Improving Resilience of Urban Water Systems in the Face of Climate Change*.
2. **International Water Association (2022)**. *Flood-Resilient Water Supply and Sanitation Services: Practical Experiences from the Field*.
3. **World Bank (2021)**. *Water Utility Case Studies in Flood Resilience*.
4. **Asian Development Bank (2020)**. *Practical Guide to Climate-Resilient Water Supply Infrastructure*.
5. **PUB Singapore (2020)**. *Singapore's Water Management Strategies*.

