CALL FOR PAPERSSPECIAL ISSUE ON WATER GOVERNANCE LEADERSHIPNEW WATER POLICY AND PRACTICE JOURNAL As pressure on the world´s water resources has increased, it has translated into new and increasingly interconnected challenges. There has been a shift from seeking solutions within individual scientific disciplines to seeking solutions in the interstitial spaces between scientific disciplines. There has also been a shift towards globalisation of both problems and solutions. Recognition of these changes has triggered awareness of the opportunity to draw ideas and possible solutions from a world of practical experiences in both similar and different contexts.New Water Policy and Practice was established in 2013 to provide a platform for the world’s emerging water leaders and support global efforts in capacity building for water management.Published twice per year with the support of Policy Studies Organisation, Washington D.C., NWPP is an open access journal where you can also find more information about the journal aims and scope ("> Now seeking contributions for a Special Issue on Water Governance LeadershipContributions to NWPP, including this Special Issue on Water Governance Leadership, can be in a broad range of formats, including peer reviewed research papers, policy papers, opinion pieces, conference and book reviews, narratives of experiences, case studies and interviews.As always, we aim to have a balance of contributions from new and emerging water leaders (e.g. Master and PhD students, Post Docs, practitioners in government and the private sector) balanced with foundational contributions from internationally recognised water leaders.We expect to publish the Special Issue on Water Governance in December 2017. All contributions should be received by 15th November.Please contact us to share ideas for your contribution to water governance leadership through NWPP journal. With our very best wishesEditors-in-ChiefProf Susana Neto, University of Lisbon ; Prof Jeff Camkin, University of Western Australia EditorCarolina Henriques, ISCTE Lisbon University Institute carolinanhenriques@gmail.comNew Water Policy and Practice JournalA platform for the world's emerging water leaders and thinkers">
- Water Security
- Water Resource Management
- Water Resource Mapping
- Integrated Urban Water Management
- Integrated Water Management
- Water Resources
- Climate Change
- Sustainable Water Resource Management
- Integrated Water Management
- Integrated Watershed Management
- Transboundary Water Resources Management
- Climate Change Adaptation
- Water Security
- Climate Change Resilience
- Water Security
- Integrated Infrastructure
- Water Resource Management
- Water Resources Management
- Water-Energy-Food-Security
- Water Integrity
- Renewable Water Resources
- Water-Energy-Food Security
- urban water security