Dear colleague, The Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Committee on Desalination and Water Reuse (DWR) is organizing the 7th Annual Symposium on Desalination and Water Reuse at the2019 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress . On behalf of the DWR Committee, we would like to invite you to participate at the Congress by submitting an abstract for the Symposium. The abstract may be submitted for a poster, a paper and oral presentation, or just an oral presentation. Specific DWR Symposium Sessions include:§ Concentrate Management Case Studies, § Integrated Desalination Systems for Industrial Water Reuse, and§ Novel Water Treatment Systems. Topics that we look to see discussed or presented in these sessions include, but are not limited to: · Inland desalination· Bay and Ocean desalination· Water Reuse for Municipal and Utilities· Water Reuse in Industry· Coastal Desalination· Concentrate Management for Processed Water · Concentrate Management in Desalination· Stormwater considerations in reuse· Economic evaluations· Wastewater recycling and reuse· Concentrate uses beyond disposal· Desalination and water reuse process design and configuration· Concentrate uses beyond disposal· Reuse Distribution Systems· Desal Case Studies The Abstract deadline is September 10th, 2018. Submittal guidelines are available here . The Final Paper deadline is January 3rd, 2019. Papers submitted by the deadline will be peer reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Additional information about the Congress can be found at the event webpage. We believe your experiences and progress in desalination and water reuse related issues will help to enrich the learning process and the transfer of knowledge through practical experience. We look forward to hearing more about your research projects. Sharing your insights with an international audience of water resource experts, engineers, educators and administrators will add value to this event and contribute to the policy dialogue and decision-making process on water resources and environmental issues. Finally, we encourage you to share this invitation with your colleagues and peers who may be interested in participating. Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us with any questions. Luzma Fabiola NAVA, PhD, A.M. ASCEChair, DWR ;
- Saline Water Irrigation
- Saline Water
- Desalination
- Thermal Desalination
- Solar Desalination
- Sea Water Desalinisation
- Sustainable Desalination
- Desalination Pre-treatment
- Groundwater Salinisation
- Desalination Plant
- Salinity Gradient
- Desalination
- Desalination plant operations coordinator
- Transdisciplinarity