Call for Article for the Journal, 'Hydrospatial Analysis' Hydrospatial Analysis (HSA) publishes double blind peer reviewed articles within all fields of hydrology with geospatial approach. Articles show hydrospatial analysis of physical, chemical, biological, socio-economic, system, administrative aspects of surface and ground water. ‘Hydrospatial Analysis’ incorporates innovative insights, methods and techniques used in disciplines like hydrology, agrohydrology, water resource system, hydraulics, climatology, soil sciences, oceanography, remote sensing, civil engineering, urban management, environmental sciences, applied sciences, etc. Articles on social, economic, cultural, psychological, behavioral, management and policy aspects of water are also invited. Hydrospatial Analysis is online journal publishes articles immediately after acceptance. All published articles assigned DOI and committing to maintain international standards of scholarly publications by applying CrossMark on webpage and PDF of articles. Hydrospatial Analysis accepts articles as: Original research papers Technical paper Review article Book review Topics Hydrospatial Analysis covers following broad topics but not restricted to: Hydrology of River, Lake, Dam, Ocean, Groundwater, etc., Morphometric analysis, Water shade analysis, Water resource analysis, Water quality analysis, Water resource management, Waste water analysis, Socio-economic issues related to water distribution, Case studies, Etc. Subject covered Hydrology, Geology, Geomorphology, Oceanography, Climatology, Meteorology, Geography, Economics, Urban Studies, Administration and Governance, etc. Audience ‘Hydrospatial Analysis' has wide range of audience including Scientists, Academicians, Engineers, Administrators, etc. interested in hydrospatial analysis and their applications. All manuscript submitted in 2016 will be published free of charge and free for readers. Submit articles for upcoming issues. Contact: ;