#175: The PFAS Puzzle: Lessons On Advocacy
Published on by Travis Loop, Founder of waterloop, a podcast helping water leaders to discover solutions and drive change. in Technology
This episode is about advocacy.
PFAS poses difficult challenges on multiple fronts for environmental advocacy groups. High levels of PFAS in the Cape Fear River meant local advocates had to learn about the complex chemicals and at the same time provide information to concerned community members and take steps to address the pollution.
The work and the lessons learned are discussed in this podcast with Dana Sargent, Executive Director of Cape Fear River Watch, and Kemp Burdette, the Cape Fear Riverkeeper.
Dana and Kemp also talk about pursuing legal action against state regulators and the industrial polluter, working with the water utility and public health researchers, and advise for advocates dealing with PFAS in other communities.
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- Pollution
- Groundwater Pollution
- Pollution
- Industrial Pollution