30th Anniversary Inchem Tokyo 2015

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Japan's only comprehensive show and conference focusing on process industries and its energy conservation and environmental measure

INCHEM TOKYO is Japan's only and Asia's largest comprehensive exhibition focusing on the chemical and process industries, plant facilities and engineering as well as energy conservation, environmental measure and water treatment for industries.
It consists of four exhibitions: Plant Engineering Show, Japan's only exhibition for the chemical and process industries; Innovative Products show, an exhibition showcasing advanced highly functional materials; ECO-MAnufacture show, an exhibition highlighting energies and environmental technologies for the manufacturing industries; and Innovation in Water Management Show, a specialized exhibition on water treatment technologies and services. In addition to the various events, there will be more than 100 sessions of seminars and forums to introduce the latest news in related industries and various examples. INCHEM TOKYO is the Japan's only comprehensive show and conference focusing on products/technologies related to process industries and its energy conservation and environmental measures.

About the Plant Engineering Show

Plant Engineering Show is the Japan's only exhibition focused on entire process industries.
This is the place that all the necessary products from various categories for process industries such as equipment for large scale plants, measuring instruments, process related devices and small reactors get together.

What field of exhibition most interested you ? (Visitor Questionnaire of 2013)
(multiple answers allowed)


About the Innovative Products Show

Innovative Products Show is the Japan's only exhibition focused on development of advanced material applications.
Various kinds of advanced materials are exhibited and by having very active business networking with visitors, this is the best opportunity to research and exploit new applications of the materials.

What field of exhibition most interested you ? (Visitor Questionnaire of 2013)
(multiple answers allowed)


About the ECO-MAnufacture Show

ECO-Manufacture Show is the Japan's only exhibition specialized in energy saving and environmental measures for manufacturing industries.
In addition to the products for energy savings and environmental measures, cost saving and various kinds of products are introduced and making this exhibition a must-see for factory and plant related personnel.

What field of exhibition most interested you ? (Visitor Questionnaire of 2013)
(multiple answers allowed)


About the Innovation in Water Management Show

Innovation in Water Management Show is the Japan's only exhibition focused on entire water related businesses.
In addition to the products/technologies for official demands such as water supply and sewage systems, many water treatment technologies and products for private demands such as industrial waste water treatment technologies are introduced.

What field of exhibition most interested you ? (Visitor Questionnaire of 2013)
(multiple answers allowed)

