6 Out Of Every 10 People On Earth Still Lack Access To Adequate Sanitation
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Social
It may be the 21st century, with all its technological marvels, but 6 out of every 10 people on Earth still do not have access to flush toilets or other adequate sanitation - measures that protect the user and the surrounding community from harmful health effects - according to a new study.
Jamie Bartram and colleagues explain that the current definition of "improved sanitation" focuses on separating humans from human excrement. However, it does not include treating that sewage or other measures to prevent it from contaminating rivers, lakes and oceans. Using that definition, 2010 United Nations estimates concluded that 4.3 billion people had access to improved sanitation and 2.6 billion did not.
Read more:http://bit.ly/146uIaK
- Public Health