9 smart water solutions for that 'wicked problem'

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9 smart water solutions for that 'wicked problem'

Tom Higley, a friend, entrepreneur and founder of10.10.10,asked me if water was a "wicked problem." I assumed he was asking whether the "water crisis" (not a high-quality term but I will use it for simplicity's sake) was a difficult challenge to solve. What I didn't realize was that "wicked problems" actually have a specific definition.

As I read the articles that Tom forwarded, I became even more convinced the water crisis could be framed as a "wicked problem." For instance, here are the characteristics of a wicked problem as defined by the Australian Public Service Commission Report:

Many, if not all, of these characteristics fit the water crisis.

The reason I bring this up is that the solutions being put forward to address water scarcity and quality issues globally and in the United States (California is the latest) are too often unidimensional — such as calls to reduce domestic water use or to change our diets.

These tactical actions ignore the complexity of water as a resource with economic, environmental, ecological and social dimensions shared by a vast range of stakeholders. For example, the agricultural sector uses (withdrawal and consumption) about 70 percent of global water, a reality that makes the adoption of low-flow shower heads a drop in the bucket when addressing water conservation.

That is not to say we can afford to ignore water efficiency for domestic use. Instead let's acknowledge where the big gains in water efficiency and reuse reside, and go after these and the adoption of water efficiency and reuse technologies for domestic use. While reducing beef consumptionmay be an increasingly popular personal choice in developed economies, it is not the trend in emerging markets where the rise of the middle class will continue to drive the consumption of higher forms of protein and, as a result, greater water use. How do we, as a planet, address that issue?

There will be no silver bullet to solve the water crisis. Solutions to address the realities of water will require that a wide range of stakeholders collaborate (collective action) while accelerated adoption of new technologies is fueled by innovative business models and funding mechanisms.

Let's move beyond the belief that old thinking works for "wicked problems." Wicked problems require wickedly smart solutions.

Here is a roundup of nine wickedly smart ideas to make the point:

These are just a few innovations in technologies, engagement thinking and business models to address water as a wicked problem.

Wickedly smart solutions for a wicked problem — the opportunities in innovative thinking and technologies are abundant.


