AAF Announces VariCel 2+ with Impress Technology

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AAF Announces VariCel 2+ with Impress Technology

Company Introduces Energy-Efficient FilterswhichProvideValuable Overall Operating Costs Savings

American Air Filter Co., Inc. d/b/a AAF International, manufacturer of AmericanAirFilter® and AAF® products, announced the introduction of theVariCel 2+filter line. Utilizing AAF's exclusiveImpress* Pleating Technology, VariCel 2+filters combine the lowest resistance with high mechanical strength, while maximizing energy efficiency. This combination provides valuable overall operating costs savings.

Peter Kurto, CEO of AAF International states, "Utilizing the Impress pleating technology, the VariCel 2+filter is like no other filter in the industry. The more efficient airflow, combined with the unparalleled strength, yields a filter with superior dust holding capacity, low pressure drop, and extended life. To our customers, that means an ultra-tough, high performance filter with overall operating cost savings."

AAF's Impress Technology is a patented pleat formation process that employs embossed media to form the optimal pleat geometry. This combined with less restriction from separator material and better media usage delivers a higher dust holding capacity (DHC) and a lower pressure drop for greater energy efficiency. VariCel 2+filters utilize this exclusive pleating technology, to make the most energy efficient 4-inch filters available.

Higher DHC equates to a longer service life, reducing the number of filter changeouts, saving both labor and material costs while reducing waste. In addition, VariCel 2+filters are only one-third the volume of other high efficiency filters, significantly reducing the contribution to landfills, shipping costs, and storage space.

Impress Technology pleat formation delivers a robust media pack, giving the VariCel 2+filter a burst strength that exceeds the standard seen in the industry. VariCel 2+media is moisture resistant, and can withstand intermittent exposure to water without affecting filter performance. The media pack is encased in a high impact plastic frame and completely sealed in a water-based copolymer emulsion, keeping particulate from bypassing the filter media. The pleat formation, plastic frame, and center support bar make the VariCel 2+filter mechanically stable, providing high performance even in tough operating conditions.

Source: AAF

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