Abu Dhabi Plans 100 % Reuse of Wastewater

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Abu Dhabi Plans 100 % Reuse of Wastewater

In Order to Address this Rapidly Growing Demand, Abu Dhabi is Investing in Wastewater Reuse and Wastewater Recycling Projects to Ensure the Sustainability of its Water Supply

Annually, Abu Dhabi is generating 284 million cubic metres of sewage. Only 60 per cent of it, though, is treated and reused for irrigation of farmland, parks and forestry, the rest of the 40 per cent being dumped into the sea, which affects the well-being of marine life. Part of the problem for reusing wastewater is the lack of infrastructure, the means to transport sewage to treating plants.

In this respect, the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Municipality and Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC) have started working on creating the necessary infrastructure that will allow 100 per cent reuse of the emirate's sewage.

The ADSSC is currently undertaking an expansion of its collection network, including a strategic tunnel engineering project. This multi-billion Dirham project will increase wastewater collection capacity, which is expected to be sufficient to meet anticipated growth in the coming decades.

More details about these plans will be revealed by the ADSSC at the Water World Middle East Conference and Exhibition, which will take place here from October 12 to 14.

"In the past, both in the region and around the globe, water deficits have been met by just adding additional desalination capacity into the mix," said Tom Freyberg, conference director for Water World Middle East.

"A cheaper alternative that helps bridge the gap between demand and supply is water re-use. One of the goals of our conference is to introduce decision makers in the region to leading water re-use technologies that will not only save investment dollars but will directly contribute towards the protection of the local environment," he added.

Although there is a commitment from several countries in the region to focus on water re-use, a total of 39 million cubic metres a day of desalination capacity is expected to be added between 2010 and 2020.

Source: Khaleej Times

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