Addressing Water Scarcity and Climate Change: A Global Challenge – TaKaDu

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Addressing Water Scarcity and Climate Change: A Global Challenge – TaKaDu

Water scarcity and stress, exacerbated by climate change, are pressing global issues with far-reaching implications for sustainability. As the world becomes increasingly thirsty, compounded by the growth of the global population, the problem of water scarcity is set to intensify. Currently, an estimated 2 billion people reside in water-stressed areas, and projections for 2040 indicate that 44 countries will face “extremely high” or “high” water stress levels.

Water Scarcity and Stress

Water scarcity occurs when demand exceeds the available supply, leading to insufficient access to clean fresh water for essential purposes such as drinking, sanitation, and agriculture. Water stress measures the pressure on water resources in relation to demand, highlighting regions where resources are strained.

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