APATEQ delivers first plant with its proprietary oil-water separation technology into an oil & gas field

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APATEQ delivers first plant with its proprietary oil-water separation technology into an oil & gas field

Cleantech venture APATEQ announces its first oil-water separation product delivery for a large customer in Europe. The unit will treat produced water from oil production and hydraulic fracturing, requiring virtually no chemicals for operation using a proprietary technology. The Luxembourgish water and wastewater specialist expects extensive follow-up orders after successful field tests of the initial unit.

Less than half a year after starting operations, APATEQ received the first order for a pilot plant for oil-water separation from a large European customer. So far the Luxembourgish cleantech company developed, sold and shipped already several mobile units for compact wastewater treatment. The APATEQ team consists of water, wastewater and industry veterans, who developed and successfully marketed award-winning technologies in the past.

Details can be seen here

