Arcadis to Manage Water Supply in Brazil

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Arcadis to Manage Water Supply in Brazil

Consultancy Firm Arcadis Announced that Its Brazilian Subsidiary, Arcadis Logos, Has Signed Two Contracts with Water Supply Company SABESP, One of the Largest Water Supply and Waste Water Treatment Firms in the World

ARCADIS, the world's leading natural and built asset design & consultancy firm, today announced that its Brazilian subsidiary ARCADIS Logos has signed two contracts with SABESP, one of the largest water supply and waste water treatment firms in the world. One contract is valued at US$12,8 million, for a period of 2 years, the other at US$39 million for four years. SABESP is the company responsible for providing water supply and wastewater treatment to 364 municipalities in the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil).

The US$12,8 million contract to perform project management for the water supply and wastewater systems of the northeast of São Paulo Metropolitan Region is part of a project with estimated total investment of US$ 250 million over the period 2014-2016. The total project area comprises 5,115 km², and features 2.4 million water connections and 2.1 million wastewater connections, benefiting 16 million people. As part of a consortium, in which ARCADIS Logos' share is 50%, the company will perform activities such as management and technical support, schedule control, costs and planning control, engineering supervision and monitoring of environmental licensing and construction works for all the work related to the network expansion.

Earlier this year, ARCADIS also won a contract of US$39 million for four years to perform management services for SABESP's water loss reduction program. This US$440 million program will be performed throughout the state of São Paulo, reaching more than 27 million people. Financially supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), it aims to reduce SABESP's physical water loss rate from 26% to 13% by 2019. As the leader of a consortium (70% share) with the Japanese company CKC, ARCADIS provides program management services and technical assistance. Activities include supporting SABESP on the substitution of 840 thousand water connections, 670 km of water networks,1.5 million water meters and leak detection.

"Universal water supply and waste water treatment systems are primary needs, also in Brazil. More recently water supply has become even more critical due to the severe drought in the Southeast region of the country," said Manoel Antonio Avelino, CEO ARCADIS Logos. "With more than a thousand water related studies and engineering projects in Brazil combined with ARCADIS' global water expertise, we can contribute to deliver more efficient water solutions and better infrastructure to SABESP. In doing so we contribute to improving the quality of life around Brazil and in particular to help SABESP solve the complex challenges that stem from the needs of the more than 20 million people living in the São Paulo Metropolitan area."

Source: Arcadis

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