Battling cholera with NFC RFID-tracked drinking water in Haiti

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Battling cholera with NFC RFID-tracked drinking water in Haiti

Deep Springs International (DSI), a non-profit organization based in Pennsylvania, USA, and Nokia Research Center (NRC), Palo Alto, California, are teaming up to ensure the supply of clean drinking water in Haiti with NFC technology. Water treatment kits are being provided to track chlorine levels in household drinking water using NFC-enabled cell phones. NRC provided the health workers with approximately 50 Nokia 6212 NFC-enabled phones while UPM RFID supplied UPM BullsEye NFC tags with NXP Mifare Ultralight chip. Joseph "Jofish" Kaye, Senior Research Scientist, NRC, initiated the project together with David Holstius, a student and Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Berkeley's School of Public Health, who developed the software application for mobile phones. Read more:

