Beer industry raises a glass towards cutting water consumption
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Business
According to a2010 studyby theSABMillerbrewing company, theWorld Wildlife Federationand the German international development agency GIZ, up to 60 to 180 liters of water can be used to produce one liter of beer. Those figures cover the entire process -from crop cultivation through the brewing process to packaging and, finally, to your thirsty self. The amount of water consumed depends on how it's used along the supply chain.
In recent years, most brewers have been using abouta five-to-one water-to-beer ratio tomake their beverages. But those figures are evolving rapidly. As water demand soars and supplies become limited, beer makers are rethinking their supply chains and sustainability goals. Two powerhouse companies -- MillerCoors and Heineken -- are focusing the best ways to reduce their respective water footprints.
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