Better Water Governance with EMPOWERS Approach

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Better Water Governance with EMPOWERS Approach

The EmpowersApproach to Water Governance: Guidelines, Methods and Tools

EMPOWERS is a regional programme mainly funded by the European Commission's MEDA (Mediterranean Regional Programme for LocalWater Management) Water Programme, working in Egypt, Jordan and West Bank and Gaza. TheEMPOWERSpartnership aims at improving vulnerable populations' long long-term access and rights to water. For this, it follows a participatory water planning and management process with allstakeholders. TheEMPOWERS approachseeks to improve water governance at the local level (water users; communities) and at the intermediate level (decentralisedwater managementsand service providers in districts and states. The Guideline provided byEMPOWERSconstitute a practical and logical framework of activities based on the involvement of thosewhouse and manage water, whichleadstowards improved local water governance and the development and implementation of integrated water development plans for towns, districts and villages. Furthermore, the guidelines advocate collaboration through dialogue to bring about a change in a way thatwater managementprofessionals and water users work with each other (MORIARTY ET AL. 2007).

Water is an increasingly scarce and contested resource around the world, particularly in the Middle East. There is general agreement about the need to improve water governance - the process of making and implementing decisions about water.

These guidelines describe a practical and logical framework of activities based on the involvement of those who use and manage water, which leads to improved local water governance, and to the development of integrated water development plans for towns, villages, districts and governorates.

The guidelines advocate a process of collaboration through dialogue, to bring about a change in the way water sector professionals and water users work with each other.

They are intended for all those concerned with practical approaches for tackling the complex themes of water governance and Water Resource Management (IWRM). They are particularly relevant for those who want to initiate and facilitate change processes to improve local water governance.

Source: IRC Wash

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