BioLargo Receives Patent for AOS Filter Design

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BioLargo Receives Patent for AOS Filter Design

BioLargo, Inc. (OTCQB: BLGO) announced it has been issued U.S. Patent No. 8,679,515 entitled, "Activated Carbon Associated with Alkaline or Alkali Iodide" by the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO"). This new patent provides protection for its BioLargo® AOS Filter, "Advanced Oxidation System" and covers methods for activating carbon with advanced iodine technology to promote rapid oxidation that dismantles and eliminates contaminants in water. The AOS filter is currently undergoing industrial scale pilot testing at the University of Alberta's Department of Engineering.

Dennis Calvert, BioLargo's president, stated: "The patent for our AOS Filter provides added validation and protection to a valuable invention that we feel confident will be an effective solution to decontaminating water in a variety of industries. Our AOS filter is a continuous flow device that instantaneously dismantles hard to manage, soluble contaminants as the water passes through the device. It requires very low power and we expect its capital cost to be highly competitive. Our AOS filter has a huge market opportunity as it provides a scalable and low cost solution to the water industry's need to process massive and varying volumes of water."

"Industrial pilot scale testing of the AOS filter is underway at the University of Alberta a leading center of excellence serving the oil and gas industry. The pilot is expected to demonstrate the commercial viability of the AOS Filter, the decontamination of wastewater at the Athabasca oil sands tailing ponds, the potential to eliminate the future need for tailing ponds, and provide the basis for additional applications in refining, fracking, remediation, agriculture and industrial waste applications, among others," concluded Calvert.


