Bottled Water Brands Under Strict Analysis
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Government
EthiopianManufacturers of Packed Mineral Water toUndergo New Standards Assessment in Order to ProvideSecured a Quality Compliance Certificate
Aimed at insuring compliance to the mandatory standards the government has set for the manufacturers of packed mineral water, the Ethiopian Conformity Assessment Enterprise (ECAE) has announced that only six of the 32 bottled mineral water brands in the market have so far under gone laboratory testing and inspection, thereby securing a quality compliance certificate.
The certification, which enables the bottlers to print qualification marks on the labelling of their products, has been given to - Great Abyssinia Plc, the bottler of Abyssinia spring water; Asku Plc, bottler of Aqauaddis spring water; Yes Brands Food & Beverage Plc, bottler of Yes spring water; Herbal Trade & Industry Plc, bottler of SPA water, Eden Business S.C, bottler of Eden water and Origin Food & Beverage Factory, the bottler of Origin water. SPA water secured the compliance licence before the announcement was made last Wednesday, August 20, 2014, according to Tekea Berhane, Corporate Communication & Service head at the ECAE. YES spring water was awarded with the certificate at the beginning of the previous month, according to Alemu Tesfaye, marketing manager of Yes Brands. The application for the certification was initiated by the bottlers following the five month limit set by the Ministry of Trade (MoT) within which the producers have to secure their license, according to Tekea. Bottled mineral water is one of 57 products, for which the MoT has adopted mandatory standards to which the products and production process has to comply, according to a document from the MoT that provides a list of Ethiopian Mandatory Standards. Source: All Africa
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