Brussels Upgrades Water infrastructure
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Government
Brussels, Belgium, Will Install GE's ZeeWeed* 500D Ultrafiltration Membrane Bioreactor Technology to Treat one-third of the City's Water with a New Upgrade to Its Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant
Société Bruxelloises de Gestion de l'Eau (SBGE), which manages the city's water, turned to engineering, procurement and construction contractor CVN (a joint venture in which VINCI ENVIRONNEMENT is in charge of water processes), a division of VINCI group, to convert the existing facility from a conventional treatment plant to one using MBR technology to meet new discharge limits while fitting within the existing footprint of the plant.
"New regulations governing discharge, as well as the need to treat more wastewater and rainwater for the growing population of Brussels, led to the decision to expand the existing wastewater treatment plant. Improving the facility with GE's ZeeWeed technology will help keep the River Senne (Zenne) safe," said Frederic Nougarède, director at VINCI ENVIRONNEMENT.
Once completed, by the end of 2018, the upgraded wastewater treatment plant will treat an average of 66 million liter per day (MLD). During peak usage times, it will be able to treat as much as 120 MLD. Under the terms of the contact, GE will supply to VINCI ENVIRONNEMENT its ZeeWeed 500D membranes as well as provide engineering, installation and commission services for the project. The GE ZeeWeed 500 product is an advanced filtration technology that separates solids, bacteria and viruses from water or wastewater.
Nearly 1,000 plants worldwide use this technology to produce superior quality water. Its unique ability to handle high peaks of solids and turbidity, combined with the high-efficient process and low energy and chemicals usage, makes it ideal for treating deteriorated or high-variation raw water sources and always producing superior and stable quality water.
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