Calculating the Impact of Climate Change (Series)

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Calculating the Impact of Climate Change (Series)

It is widely accepted that the climate is changing, and will change more in the future, as a result of human activity. In recent years, I have carried out many studies where I have quantified the impact of changes to climate. These have been in Europe, Asia, the Pacific and Africa.

Source: Pixabay

The studies are described among the discussion posts on my web site.

The countries and regions included are: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Mekong Basin, Great Lakes of Africa, Tagus (Tajo, Tejo) River Basin, Vanuatu, Samoa, Kyrgyzstan, Zambia and Turkey.

The types of potential impact include: flooding, droughts, rural communities, hydropower, irrigation, roads, water resources.

The posts give a summary of the methodology and also sources of observed data and of climate projections.

I have attached the first of the posts and the rest can be downloaded from:

For the first part of the series click here

