Carnegie Kicks-off Mauritius Project

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Carnegie Kicks-off Mauritius Project

Australian wave energy developer Carnegie Wave Energy has started its Mauritius wave and microgrid design project.

The project, which will be delivered on Mauritius and the neighboring island of Rodrigues, will see Carnegie receive Au$800,000 (∼$560,000) grant through a partnership between the Australian and Mauritian Governments.

Carnegie is expected to deliver study and design activities for initiatives focused on high penetration renewable energy microgrids that incorporate wave energy.

The total value of the design activities is Au$990,000 ($717,000), and Carnegie will contribute Au$190,000 (∼$130,000) of in-kind and technical support.

The project is expected to deliver three outcomes throughout 2016, including the creation of renewable energy roadmap for Mauritius, assessment of the Mauritian wave energy resource and the identification of a preferred site for a commercial CETO wave energy project, and the design of a microgrid powered desalination plant on the Mauritian island of Rodrigues.

Greg Allen, Chief Operating Officer, recently convened the first project steering committee meeting in Mauritius. Allen, who was joined by Carnegie Project Manager Neil de Tisi, said the steering committee comprises members from the Mauritian Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, the Australian High Commission as well as the Mauritian Research Council and Carnegie.

“The integration of a mix of renewable technologies, along with storage and controls, can provide cheaper, clean and secure solutions for island nations. It has been pleasing to see the behind the scenes work associated with developing this initiative transform into an active project,” Allen said.

He added that Carnegie will now begin the process of collecting and analysing the relevant data that will form input into the renewable energy roadmap.

“We will also make preparations for the deployment of a wave data collection buoy in the coming months,” concluded Allen.

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