Changing behaviour for WASH

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Changing behaviour for WASH

Behaviour change lies at the heart of the BRAC WASH programme, which reacheshalf the rural population of Bangladesh, using an equity-based approach and sustained intensive interaction, based on 'selling not telling'.

The BRAC WASH programme (2006-2015) is achieving lasting behaviour change and transforming hygiene, sanitation and water services in Bangladesh.More than 8,000 BRACWASH field staffsupport 65,000
Village WASH Committees(VWCs) that map facilities and plan improvements at village level.

In the course of the programme, the BRAC WASH approach toencouraging good hygiene behaviour has evolved. The hygiene number of messages has been reduced andBRAC staff have been trained in newcommunication skills to engagecommunities, with more focus ondiscussion and community problems andless instruction. 'Cluster meetings' in the villages havebecome more lively and productive sincefield staff started "selling not telling". Through Imams and tea stall sessions, the programme aims to reach out to men and boys.

Monitoring has been used as an important tool to track progress, identify challenges and improve the approach. In 2012, BRAC WASHand IRC introduced the Qualitative Information System (QIS),to measure the quality of the programme on 15 outcome indicators, such as theperformance of Village WASH Committees, and behaviours of household members, women, men and children.Monitoring data shows positive results:

• 90% of households reported that all family members use the latrine
• 80% of households had soap andwater for handwashing available in ornear the latrine

BRAC WASH has the support of IRC as a knowledge partner in streamlining messages, monitoring behaviour change and documenting and sharing the programme.The programme is financially supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the BRAC Strategic Partnership Arrangement (SPA) between BRAC, DFID and AusAID.

Below you can access documents that summarise aspects of the programme relating to behaviour change in households and schools and the BRAC WASH monitoring approach. They are based on a series of extended posters that were developed for the programme's annual review for 2014.

Source : IRC WASH

More stories on WASH can be seen here

