Charitable Research Reserve Receives Investment

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Charitable Research Reserve Receives Investment

Call for Applications to Receive the $4000 rare RBC Graduate Scholarship in Water Research Announced

RBC Royal Bank will host a grand re-opening celebration of its branch at 480 Hespeler Road in Cambridge. The Grand Re-Opening Celebration BBQ will take place from 11am to 3 pm and feature rare, with the cheque presentation at 11:30 am.

The $80,000 in funding from Royal Bank's RBC Blue Water Fund will assist rare in its multi-pronged approach to water conservation and water source protection.

The grant will strengthen rare's Chain of Learning by championing a water studies scholarship and linking youth to the science. Young people will get the opportunity to be young citizen scientists through a new Mirrored Research program. Replicating the work of researchers, students will assess water quality by monitoring what lives in wetlands and waterways.

Benthic Invertebrates are organisms that live in or on the bottom of water courses - streams, rivers, etc, and are highly affected by environmental conditions. Their presence, type, and quantities, are strong clues about the water quality of the aquatic environment being sampled and therefore of the surrounding landscape's ecological integrity.

The RBC Blue Water Program aims to assist organizations tackling water issues in urbanized areas. "I'm very excited for our organization to be part of the project", said Stephanie Sobek-Swant, Executive Director at rare, "Water is all around us and its protection affects everyone.

We thank them for their support and investment. Our aim is to support top researchers whose work informs our conservation and restoration efforts and to make that work accessible to children - inspiring a passion for nature and inquisitive minds for the next generation."

Source: Exchange Magazine

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