Cheap Saline Water Purification

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Cheap Saline Water Purification

Saline Water is Now Purified Using and Reverse Osmosis System and Local Villagers Buy the Water at a Price of 0,35 INR or 0,0047 Euro/liter

Salt water in Gujarat

Saline ground water is a major problem in Gujarat, India. Especially for poor people at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) for which this groundwater is the only source of drinking water. They do not have the funds to buy clean bottled drinking water and lack the saving for investing purification machine themselves. Their income is on average 3-4 euro/day and they simply have to coop with the situation and consume the brackish water. It is provided for free.

Negative health effects

Consumption of saline water is having serious health effect especially on pregnant woman, elderly and children: Painful joints, high blood pressure, brittle bones and stomach problems are among the health effects frequently noticed. It is important to try and change this situation for the long term sustainably.

Our solution

Together with our business partners Cordaid and EPGL we undertook action in 10 Gujarati villages. We developed a robust business model for providing good quality water and discussed it with the local villagers. Once the model was approved and investors found, the needed technology was bought and installation of the shops took place.

Saline water is now purified using and reverse osmosis system and local villagers buy the water at a price of 0,35 INR or 0,0047 euro/liter. Billing is done automatically and people pay for the water using an debt card. New credits can be simply bought in the nearby grocery store.

Source: AAWS

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