Cheap Water Filter for People in India

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Cheap Water Filter for People in India

Livinguard Technologies Is the Creator of theInnovative Water Filters which Provides Solution to Water Contamination Problems and Helps Indian Population

The creation is an answer to the people who had been complaining of impure water in their locality. The water filter is the best possible solution that works on all three organisms, bacteria, viruses and fungi, effectively and gives pure water.

With this amazing invention, this entrepreneur has become the problem solver for many villagerswho now have access to good quality water and is thankful to the creator for remarkable decrease in water-borne illnesses like diarrhoea and dysentery.

The systems have been designed in a way that they can be installed in the most remote locations. Many of these places don't have electricity, roads, or government treated water. There are lakes, streams, and in some cases, wells. Not only have our filters been designed to clean this kind of water, but they have also been simplified so that even someone lacking an education can use them. There is no electricity required during the filtration process. It is completely dependent on gravity.

The smaller filters come with a concise instruction manual that includes step-by-step illustrations for assembly, use, cleaning, and maintenance. Our practice/recommendation till date has been to conduct training sessions with the users or the NGOs in charge of distributing the filters beforehand. This hands-on approach ensures complete understanding on the part of the users of the filters.

Source: India

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