Chemical-Free Water Treatment

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Chemical-Free Water Treatment

A chemical-free advanced oxidation process (AOP) known as Keratox for the treatment and removal of organic and chemical contaminants from municipal drinking water and wastewater has been introduced by atg UV Technology

Utilizing atg UV Technology’s UV treatment systems in combination with a unique and patented Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) catalyst, the Keratox advanced oxidation solution can be used to target and remove contaminants to meet regulations such as the EU Priority Substances Directive, a new “daughter directive” of the widely established Water Framework Directive that will affect all European member states.
Unlike traditional AOP techniques that require chemical dosing with hazardous catalytic agents such as hydrogen peroxide or OPEX intensive ozone generation, the Keratox solution by atg UV Technology uses a specially engineered and novel chemical-free TiO2 catalyst which reacts with the UV light to safely produce hydroxyl radicals, a highly reactive oxidant, the company says.
These hydroxyl radicals effectively break apart almost all organic and chemical contaminants into their base components of CO2 and H2O, allowing water to be treated to a very high standard at a reduced cost.
A key feature of the Keratox solution is the ‘fixed’ nature of the TiO2 catalyst. Previous TiO2 Advox applications using UV required dosing with Titanium Dioxide powder or slurry to create the right surface area conditions for effective OH- radical yield. While this method was an effective Advanced Oxidation Process, the cost and complexity of recovering the TiO2 catalyst made solutions unviable for large-scale treatment applications.
In comparison, the Keratox AOP solution offers a fixed in place, true catalyst that is not consumed by the process, and therefore has a significant advantage in lowering the operational costs when compared to ozone and hydrogen peroxide, the company says. In addition as a chemical-free solution, no subsequent removal of any residual catalyst is required.
Furthermore, by using a fixed TiO2 catalyst in place of agents such as hydrogen peroxide, the challenges associated with delivery, storage and handling of explosive and volatile chemicals can be eliminated, the company says. This both simplifies site operations and can significantly reduce the associated CAPEX and OPEX of a project.

Source: Environmental Leader

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