Curaçao Adopts Recommendations of VEI

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Curaçao Adopts Recommendations of VEI

Recommendations Made by Vitens Evides International Following the Investigation into the Nature and Extent of Non-Revenue Water in Curaçao Have Been Adopted by the Water Authorities of Curaçao

VEI will advise Bureau Telecom en Post (BTP, the organisation that supervises the drinking water, energy and fuel sectors in Curaçao) on setting up and implementing measurement protocols for the monitoring and evaluation of Non Revenue Water (NRW). VEI will - where necessary and desired - also support Aqualectra, the local drinking water company, in the implementation of reduction activities.

Nature and extent of NRW

Vitens Evides International has supported BTP since 2011. Together, they assess the effectiveness of Aqualectra. Among other things, the nature and extent of the Non Revenue Water (NRW) was investigated. During the investigation, VEI introduced a method for determining the NRW in isolated parts of the network on a daily basis.

Drastic reduction

An important part of the advice of VEI is that Aqualectra must drastically reduce the level of NRW within a few years. Drinking water in Curaçao is five times more expensive than in the Netherlands, so leakage losses also mean significant financial losses.

Source: VEI

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