Denmark & Singapore Collaboration on Sustainable Ideals

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Denmark & Singapore Collaboration on Sustainable Ideals

Denmark and Singapore are stepping up their collaboration across a range of industries, managing scarce resources and reducing their impact on the environment

Denmark and Singapore are small nations with a tiny population - of about 5.5 million people - and for both, managing scarce resources and reducing their impact on the environment have always been apriority.

Both countries are also open economies, maritime nations with a long tradition of shipping, and have similar ambitions in creatingliveable cities for itspeople.

These make up the foundation of the two nations' diplomatic relations, which started five decades ago when Singapore became an independent nation. Today, there are more than 300 Danish companies operating inSingapore.

Speaking at a reception to celebrate 50 years of Singapore-Denmark relations on Monday last week, Danish ambassador to Singapore, Berit Basse, said Denmark and Singapore will build on their relationshipand collaborate on projects ranging from shipping to urbantransport.

The reception on Monday also celebrated the birthday of Denmark's Queen Margrethe II and was attended by 200guests.

Ambassador Basse said Denmark and Singapore have benefitted from one another's experience and skills through bilateral visits, professional exchanges and collaboration on projects in the past fivedecades.

"In recent years, the collaboration opportunities are being created at an accelerated pace," shesaid.

These have included the setting up in Singapore of a Water & Environment Research Centre and Education Hub between Danish water company DHI and Nanyang Technological University in2007.

In 2014, theDanish Water Technology Housewas established. It serves as a centre of information and marketing of Danish water technology for SoutheastAsia.

Source: Eco - Business

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