Dewatering System Gets the Patent

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Dewatering System Gets the Patent

Genesis Water Awarded European Patent for High-speed Dewatering Technology

Genesis Water, pioneer of the Genesis Rapid Dewatering System™ (RDS), announced today its dewatering technology has been issued patent No. 8,678,200, dated March 25, 2014, by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Dept. of Commerce).

The patent covers nearly every aspect of the company's revolutionary Rapid Dewatering System, including the core screening system, Genesis AquaScreen™, and its innovative method of evenly distributing flocculated material, according to Genesis Water's Chief Technology Officer Michael Hodges. This is the first U.S. patent issued for Genesis Water's technology. The company holds patents in Europe, Mexico, China, Japan, Australia and Africa, and has patents pending in other countries, including Canada.

"The award of this patent is a remarkable validation of the innovation we've worked so hard to develop, as we have continued to design and refine our dewatering process," Hodges said. "We're excited to make this announcement because it reinforces the value Genesis Water can bring to any dewatering project."

The patent solidifies Genesis Water's technology as a new standard for the industry and is indicative of the company's commitment to continuous enhancement of its Rapid Dewatering System. "We're extremely pleased to make this announcement today," said CEO Rob Krause. "Our dedication to technological innovation is a core value of our company, and we're gratified that we can now add this U.S. patent to our long line of acknowledgements throughout the world."

Founded in 2000 by Michael Hodges, Genesis Water develops technology and equipment that has revolutionized the process of dewatering dredged sediment and recovering and restoring water through a more efficient, cost-effective and environmental-friendly Genesis Water issued U.S. patent approach, Genesis Water's revolutionary and environmentally sustainable approach makes it the technology of choice for the largest and most challenging waterway restorations in the world. The Genesis RDS has been adopted for large-scale water recovery in industrial circuits, including mining and operations.


Genesis Water is an innovative water technology company specializing in the rapid separation of water and solids, known as dewatering. Genesis Water equipment is available to partners and end users worldwide in industries such as dredging, mining, and oil & gas.

Since 2011, Genesis Water has partnered with Impact Opportunities Fund (IOF), an opportunistic private debt and equity fund created by a family of families. IOF is focused on identifying and developing opportunities that provide both extraordinary investment returns, as well as impactful outcomes.

Source: Genesis Water

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