Dr Peter Morgan – receives the 2013 Stockholm Water Prize
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Non Profit
Stockholm - Dr Peter Morgan of Zimbabwe received the Stockholm Water Prize for his life-long work to protect the health and lives of millions of people through improved water and sanitation technologies. H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden presented the prize toDr Morgan at a Royal Award Ceremony during the World Water Week held in Stockholm,Sweden.
An estimated 1.8 billion people live without access to safe drinking water, 2.5 billion people do not have access to adequate sanitation of which one billion people are forced to defecate in the open. Theconsequences are disastrous. Diseases caused by unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene kill more than5,000 people each day, fill half of the hospital beds of Sub-Saharan Africa, and lead to the loss ofbillions of working days across the globe. Despite these staggering numbers, the area of sanitationrarely receives the attention it so desperately needs.This year's laureate, Dr Morgan, has spent the last four decades inventing and advancing low-costpractical solutions to provide access to safe sanitation and clean water that are being used by millionsof people worldwide.
Read more:http://bit.ly/154EsWO
- Water & Sanitation