Drought Arises Water Conflicts in Brazil
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Government
The Reduction of the Flow in the Jaguari RiverAggravated the Conflict Arising from Water Scarcityas a Consequence of the Region's Prolonged Drought
The governments of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's wealthiest and most populous states, exchanged accusations and litigation threats on Tuesday after the decision by the operators of a dam in Sao Paulo to reduce the flow of a river to guarantee their own access to the water.
Despite the fact that the ONS national electric grid operator recommended that the Sao Paulo government increase the water flow in the Jaguari River, Sao Paulo utility Cesp last Friday reduced the volume of water flowing into the basin of the tributary of the Paraiba do Sul River, a move that directly harms the hydroelectric industry of Rio de Janeiro state.
Currently, Cesp is only releasing from the Jaguari River hydroelectric dam a third of the water volume demanded by the ONS.
Mauro Arce, the secretary of Health and Water Resources for Sao Paulo and former Cesp president, said Tuesday that he is ready to file a lawsuit in the matter because, he says, the law should give priority to the water supply made available to aqueducts - that is, water for human consumption - before hydroelectric facilities.
He asked the national water regulator, the ANA, to reduce its demands on the Paraiba do Sul River's water, which winds up in Rio de Janeiro, to guarantee the supply to households in Sao Paulo state, including the likenamed metropolis that is Brazil's largest city.
"The most serious problem is placing the human supply at risk ... We can generate energy with gas and petroleum," Arce said.
The Sao Paulo government's decision was criticized on Tuesday by Rio state Gov. Luiz Fernando Pezao, who also fears a reduction in water supply.
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