Dutch DuPont Facility Reduces Fresh Water Consumption

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Advert.co.uk (5/11) issued a press release stating GE's "advanced water treatment technology has helped DuPont achieve significant improvements in water conservation efforts at its Dordrecht facility." The company discovered "through a comprehensive water management assessment" ways to help reduce the water footprint by improving efficiency at the site's cooling tower. "The project is in line with DuPont's sustainability efforts that include a commitment to reducing water consumption by at least 30 percent over the next 10 years at manufacturing sites where fresh water supply is either scarce or limited," said Gordon P. Tait, site manager of DuPont Dordrecht. The facility subsequently received a Leadership Award from GE for its "noteworthy reductions in water consumption, chemicals and waste using GE technology." Read More: http://bit.ly/jpIwOU
