Eco-Friendly Fertilizer Helps Keep Phosphorus Out of Waterways

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Eco-Friendly Fertilizer Helps Keep Phosphorus Out of Waterways

Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies (Ostara) and the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) officially opened their nutrient recovery facility at the Nine Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The facility will help protect freshwater lakes and rivers by recovering phosphorus from wastewater streams at the plant, transforming it into an environmentally responsible fertilizer, Crystal Green®.

The Crystal Green® fertilizer produced at the facility will be available to homeowners in a new, all-purpose garden blend from Jackson, Wis. fertilizer blender, Spring Valley.

Unlike conventional phosphorus fertilizers, Crystal Green® is virtually insoluble in water and instead releases nutrients in response to root demand, significantly reducing the amount of unused phosphorus that might otherwise find its way into the watershed.

According to the Association of Wisconsin Lakes, phosphorus runoff affects an estimated 90% of inland lakes. Excess phosphorus contributes to the growth of algae, which chokes off sunlight and oxygen, destroying aquatic life and impairing fish populations.

Spring Valley's new eco-friendly garden fertilizer blend will be sold at wholesale and retail outlets throughout Wisconsin.

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