EFD Invents Environment-friendly Desalination
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Business
Effluent Free Desalination Corporation (EFD) has invented a new desalination technology which claims to produce huge amount of fresh water economically without impacting the environment
A logical solution to California's water crisis is the removal of salt from the seawater lapping at its 1,100 mile coastline. Planned reverse osmosis desalination plants will extract millions of gallons of fresh water from the ocean; however, they will also exact a lethal price when toxic, concentrated brine discharge is pumped back into the ocean - creating marine dead zones. Now there is a new desalination technology that can produce fresh water economically, in abundance and without adverse environmental consequences.
This new desalination technology has been invented by Effluent Free Desalination Corp. — EFD Corp. A mobile demonstration prototype will be completed by the end of 2015, setting the stage for developing utility scale facilities. EFD's desalination method can also purify agricultural runoff, manufactured water from fracking sites, and the concentrated brine byproduct produced by reverse osmosis.
The EFD system borrows from traditional distillation technology, but with two drought-fighting improvements. First, the EFD technology avoids scale buildup, which damages desalination machinery, by separating the heating and vaporizing processes and using pressure to raise the boiling point to eliminate scaling. Second, through a super-heating process, the water is instantly separated into fresh water steam and salt crystals. Drinkable water is condensed from the steam and commercially valuable salt is recovered. Leftover brine is recirculated through the system. Nothing is returned to the ocean.
"California's legacy of innovation has built our state into the world's role model for high tech success. Now it can use that same innovative spirit to lead the world out of a global water crisis," said EFD President and CEO Robbi S. Magnuson. "The difference - Silicon Valley's technology defined the future. Our technology can save it."
Source: BusinessWire
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