Enviro-Clean Helps Wateraid to Raise Funds

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Enviro-Clean Helps Wateraid to Raise Funds

Enviro-Clean's Helping Wateraid for Raising Funds

Whale Tankers has supplied a new Kaiser-Whale continuous water recycler to one of Scotland's leading waste management companies, Enviro-Clean (Scotland) Ltd, with the dual branded vehicle ‘doing its bit' to raise funds for two leading charities.

The Kaisier-Whale is built on a 32 tonne Volvo Euro 6 chassis and features combined high performance jetting and vacuum operations with fully integral filtration system to provide the required quantity of continuous water recycling. It will be used primarily in Scotland, but also deployed on work with some English water companies.

Jim McLusky, managing director of Enviro-Clean (Scotland) Ltd, said: "We selected the Kaiser-Whale based on its performance, proven technology and reliability. We've used many of their vehicles over the last 20 years and we are confident that we know what we're getting when we turn to Whale.

"Of particular importance to us is their excellent team of Scottish based service engineers, who are able to respond quickly to any maintenance requirements we may have, which is something we can't get from other manufacturers."

The Enviro-Clean Kaiser-Whale has been specifically branded to support two different charities. One side of the cab is in white and promotes Water Aid, while the opposite side, in pink, is supporting Breakthrough, the breast cancer charity. The company is donating £1 (£2 in total) to each charity for every hour the vehicle used.

Jim McLusky continued: "We decided that rather than simply having the vehicle in our own livery, we'd try and do something different to promote two very worthwhile causes, while raising some money for every hour the new vehicle is in operation.

This idea has been very well received by our customers and we plan to continue with the scheme with new charities every 12 months."

Source: Irish Trucker

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