Eskom invests in South African hydropower

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Eskom invests in South African hydropower

South African electricity utility Eskom has finalised a draft African strategy, which could result it in taking equity as well as operational positions in generation and transmission projects in the rest of the continent, with its primary focus being opportunities in Southern Africa.

CEOBrian Dames says that strategy is currently being canvassed with government, Eskom's sole shareholder, and that the utility's role in the rest of the continent will be clarified through that process.

Eskom's African strategy is emerging as Africa's heads of State are moving to support a pipeline of 15 energy projects, with a combined price tag of $40.5-billion, to foster further economic growth.

The projects form part of the larger Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (Pida) portfolio, which has been assembled under the New Partnership for Africa's Development banner and include four transmission corridors, nine hydropower schemes and two energy pipelines.

The Pida projects have been earmarked for development between 2012 and 2020.

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