EU to Fine Greece €16 Mil Over Lack of Urban Waste Water Treatment
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Government
The lack of adequate treatment systems in the area of Thriasio Pedio poses risks to human health, to inland waters and the marine environment
The Commission is asking the Court of Justice of the EU to impose a lump sum from the date of the first judgment until the Member State has rectified the infringement or in the absence of compliance until the date of the second judgment, based on a daily amount multiplied by the number of days the infringement persists, leading, up to now, to a sum of 15,943,620 euros
The European Commission proposes fines and refers Greece back to the Court of Justice of the EU over persistent poor waste water treatment, says a EC press release.
The Court of Justice of the EU ruled in 2004 that Greece was violating EU law by not adequately collecting and treating waste water discharged into the Gulf of Elefsina (Judgement No C-119/02 of 24 June 2004). Today, Greece has not managed to adequately address the problem yet.
The lack of adequate treatment systems in the area of Thriasio Pedio poses risks to human health, to inland waters and the marine environment. The Commission is asking the Court of Justice of the EU to impose a lump sum from the date of the first judgment until the Member State has rectified the infringement or in the absence of compliance until the date of the second judgment, based on a daily amount multiplied by the number of days the infringement persists, leading, up to now, to a sum of 15,943,620 euros.
The Commission is also proposing a daily fine of 34,974 euros, which would be paid from the date of the Court ruling until Greece fully complies with EU law. These penalties, proposed by the Commission under the Lisbon Treaty, take into account the seriousness of the infringement, its duration, and the deterrent effect reflecting the ability to pay of the Member State. The final decision on the penalties rests with the Court.
Despite some progress made, only 28 percent of the urban waste water is collected and treated before being discharged into the Gulf of Elefsina. The collection rate has almost not improved since July 2012 when the waste water treatment facility started operating. In view of this continued infringement, and in the absence of any indication as to when this will come to an end, the Commission has decided to refer the case back to the Court of Justice of the EU.
The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive requires Member States to ensure that agglomerations (towns, cities, settlements) properly collect and treat their urban waste water. Untreated waste water can be contaminated with harmful bacteria and viruses and thus presents a risk to public health. It also contains nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous, which can damage freshwaters and the marine environment by promoting excessive growth of algae that chokes other life, a process known as eutrophication. Proper waste water treatment is also an important factor in ensuring a thriving tourist industry, which is a key sector for the Greek economy.
Source: Greek Reporter
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