Europe, Japan Partner for Hydrokinetic Energy

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Europe, Japan Partner for Hydrokinetic Energy

To help support the development of marine renewables in Japan, and to stimulate further collaboration between Japan and Scotland, the European Marine Energy Centre has become a member of the Nagasaki Marine Industry Cluster Promotion Association (NaMICPA)

Joining took place during the third Offshore Renewable Mission to Japan, which involved Scottish companies meeting with key government organizations, as well as some of Japan's biggest companies, such as Kawasaki and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The goal of this mission was to keep Scottish companies up to date with developments in theJapanese renewable energy market, which included assessing market opportunities within the region.

"International collaboration is vital for the development of the marine renewables industry," said EMEC Commercial Director Oliver Wragg. "Only by working with other countries can we ensure that there is a global market available for clients testing their pioneering devices in Scotland."

The partnership is mutually beneficial. "Scotland is leading the way in the development of marine renewables, and having EMEC, the world's leading test center, involved in the association will provide a depth of knowledge that will support the development of marine renewables here in Japan," said Toshiyuki Sakai, president of NaMICPA.

NaMICPA is a non-profit organization set up in 2014 to promote the marine industry in Nagasaki. Nagasaki Prefecture is an oceanic prefecture on the island of Kyushu, with history as a marine trading hub.

Security of energy supply is important to Japan, as the country imports more than 75% of its primary energy needs, according to a press release from EMEC.

Source: Hydroworld

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