FAO releases a new SDG indicators domain in FAOSTAT

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FAO releases a new SDG indicators domain in FAOSTAT

FAOSTAT is the world's most comprehensive statistical database on food, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, natural resources management and nutrition. One of the most widely used FAO resources—with over 160 000 users per month—the website provides free access to food and agriculture data for over 245 countries and territories and covers all FAO regional groupings from 1961. 

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The new SDG data domain in FAOSTAT aims to help countries to produce better data for informed decision-making to eradicate hunger and malnutrition.

We shine a light on FAO’s work on measuring and monitoring the Mountain Green Cover Index that was awarded at GEO Week 2021. We also update you on the new Statistical Yearbook, the Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the new UN Water's Brief on Water Use Efficiency which are indispensable resources for everyone interested in food and agriculture.

Finally, we shine a light on a number of recent resources, elearning courses and past events related to the SDG indicators under FAO custodianship.

FAOSTAT has a new data domain on SDG indicators

FAOSTAT's new domain complements the global SDG database administered by the United Nations Statistical Division, as well as FAO’s SDG indicators portal, by providing access to the available data for each of the 21 indicators. It offers interactive data visualizations, advanced data filtering, data comparability, country profiles, and provides an entry point to the methodological documents and focal points for each indicator.


Visit FAO's SDG Indicators Portal
