Food-Water-Energy Challenge

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Food-Water-Energy Challenge

UoB specialists have released a three-minute video challenge as part of a research partnership about sustainable resources, Kara Watson reports.

L83m4nq.jpgExperts at the University of Birmingham are issuing a filmmaking challenge for young people to help with global resources issues.

The task: make a three-minute video around the theme of ‘Food, water and energy in my everyday life’.

These three resources are essential in maintaining sustainable societies and are all interconnected; meaning they are affected by the same pressures: the economy and the climate.

These interactions are known as the water-energy-food nexus. There are many critical issues involving this nexus, such as the water demand for hydroelectric power and the conflict between the use of crop land for either food or biofuels.

The aim of the video challenge is to connect the young people of Brazil to the rest of the world, and it is part of University of Birmingham’s two-year research partnership

Professor José Antonio Perrella Balestieri from the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP) wants to conduct a survey of 5,000 young people in Paraiba Valley and North Coast (Sao Paulo, Brazil) in order to see how they affect the nexus and also how they perceive it.

They will be asked about their experiences with the issues the nexus has in hope of helping to find a way to address the problems. For example looking at how to bring about equal access to resources and what role education plays in supporting the needs of communities.

The aim of the video challenge is to connect the young people of Brazil to the rest of the world, and it is part of University of Birmingham’s two-year research partnership with experts from UNESP.

“We want to connect young Brazilians with the world”, said Professor Peter Kraftl, University of Birmingham. “We want to see children and young people around the globe coming together to help solve the problems facing Brazil.”

The filmmaking challenge is open to ages 10-25 at any school/university/organisation.

The deadline for the video is December 31st, with the winner being voted for on YouTube. The winning video receives prizes for both themselves and their school, university etc.

If you would like to take part, more information about the Food-Water-Energy Challenge can be found at:

Attached link

