Functional Nanocoatings for Filtration

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Functional Nanocoatings for Filtration

Belgium Based Europlasma Presented its Family of Innovative Nanocoatings for the Filtration Industry Under the Nanofics Brand Name

Nanofics® refers to nanoscaled functionalization into the core of complex shaped materials and products. It is Europlasma's patented and patent pending nanocoating technology platform, first applied on industrial scale in 1996.
Three innovative nanocoating types have been designed for use on both gas and liquid filtration media and can be applied by Europlasma roll to roll equipment.

Nanofics 120® coatings are a highly water repellent (water contact angle of 120 degrees according to ASTM D5964) and highly oil repellent (oil repellency level 8 according to ISO 14419) fluoropolymer type of nanocoatings deposited by low pressure plasma technology.

Nanofics 110® coatings are a highly water repellent (water contact angle of 110 degrees according to ASTM D5964) and highly oil repellent (oil repellency level 6 according to ISO 14419) fluoropolymer type of nanocoatings. The unique aspect of these coatings is that they are completely free from PFOA and PFOS.

Europlasma is also launching the Nanofics 10® coating which, as opposed to Nanofics 110® and 120®, has very high affinity for water, resulting in water contact angles lower than 10 degrees according to ASTM D5964. The Nanofics 10® coating is able to transform any filtration material - even PTFE - into a material with a permanent hydrophilic surface.

The Nanofics® coating technology is patented and patent pending by Europlasma.

Europlasma's Managing Director Filip Legein adds: "Europlasma was the first company to bring nanocoating technology to the filtration market in 1996. Ever since, Europlasma has supplied low pressure plasma technology to more than 30 filtration companies worldwide. We work with each filtration company individually to find the best solution for their material, or to build a unique product for their customers."

Source: Nanotechnology Now

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