GMO Environmental Risks | Genetic engineering and food
Published on by Yoshimi Yoshida, Environmental Consultant
GMO Environmental Risks - Parents win pesticide ban for Irvine, CA city property
Former EPA scientist: Biotech companies encouraging pesticide treadmill
Coalition of farmers and environmental groups to challenge EPA over Dow herbicide approval
- New GMOs, herbicides threaten to force family off organic farm
- Andrew Kimbrell: “We are at a turning point in the GMO battle”
- Scientist: Genetic engineering has become a religion
- Scientist: Genetic engineering is based on dramatically incomplete knowledge
- Pesticide use increases with GM crops
- Weeds resistant to 2,4-D before new GMOs even introduced
- Court blocks planting of GM canola in Oregon
- Scientist: sample sizes in GMO risk assessment are inadequate
- Scientist says biotech companies encouraging GMO-herbicide treadmill
- Scientist: GM technology has exacerbated pesticide treadmill in India
- Study says insecticide used with GM corn highly toxic to bees
- Scientist: insect resistance shows unsustainability of GM corn
- New report on GMOs finds false promises, failed technologies
- GM crops decimating monarch butterflies habitat
- Farmers using even more pesticides with GM crops
- GM canola is herbicide-resistant weed in California
- Weed expert calls for tax on GM seeds
- GM corn polluting Midwest streams
- Study finds large-scale escape of GM canola in US
- Pests infesting GM cotton fields in China
- Scientist warns of dire consequences with widespread use of glyphosate
- Scientist finding many negative impacts of Roundup Ready GM crops
- Journal article says suppressed study found GM corn killed ladybugs
- Roundup resistant pigweed infesting Southern farms
- Claire Hope Cummings and the Uncertain Peril of genetic engineering
- Prince Charles warns of environmental disaster with GMOs
- Could genetically modified crops be killing bees?
- Study shows GM corn could harm aquatic ecosystems
- Journal says biotech industry must address environmental issues dealing with genetic engineering
- Genetic engineering of food crops to produce drugs raises concerns
Former EPA scientist: Biotech companies encouraging pesticide treadmill
Coalition of farmers and environmental groups to challenge EPA over Dow herbicide approval
Attached link
- Agriculture & Forestry
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Genetically Modified Food
- Genetic Engineering
- Pharmacogenetics