Grain Sack as a Solar Powered Water Purifier

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Grain Sack as a Solar Powered Water Purifier

Three Korean Industrial Designers Created a Special Bagwhich can be Used for Food Delivering and Water Purification

Outraged by the existence of so many starving communities with noaccess to clean water in many poor countries, three Korean industrial designers - Jung Uk Park, Myeong Hoon Lee and Dae Youl Lee - created aspecial bag that initially is used for delivering the food sent by theUN and international NGOs to those in need.

The idea is that theseorganizations replace conventional bags with a Life Sack to ship grains and other food staples to these people.

After the food is stored, thebag works as a water purifier.

The container uses Solar Water Disinfectant Process (SODIS) technology to kill organisms in the contaminated liquid through thermal treatment and UV-A-radiation, which easily penetrates the PVC easily.

An internal filter is able to remove all microorganisms bigger than 5 nanometers.

To get an idea of this filter's efficiency, the bacteriathat causes tuberculosis is 200 nanometers in size.

Source: Quora

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