Grey Water Rooftop

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Grey Water Rooftop

Grey water recycling system, green roof project at Mcast

A grey water recycling system and a green roof have been installed at the Institute of Applied Science of the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, Paola.

Grey water collected from the washhand basins of the institute's five-story building's bathrooms is initially stored in a reservoir in the basement. It is then pumped through a polyethy­lene pipe to the three tanks on the building's roof, where it is treated and stored to irrigate the building's green roof. The latter consists of plant trays with species adapted to the local climate, irrigated with treated greywater through a controlled irrigation system.

This is the first time that a green roof in Malta is being irrigated using recycled grey water. This pilot application that will help assess the grey water recycling potential for green roof irrigation.

The planning and installation took place in collaboration with the Mcast institute.

Students and scientific staff were involved in a technical study which included calculating the greywater recycling potential and the system's design.

With approximately 1,000 students hosted at the institute, mostly involved in environmental studies and water technologies, the greywater recycling system will serve both operational and educational purposes.

Prior to the system's inauguration a workshop on grey water recycling systems was held for students on the potential of greywater recycling as an alternative water resource, and the technical details of the system.

Source: Times of Malta

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