H2O Innovation Wins $3.6 Million in New Contracts
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Business
H2O Innovation has been selected by two US companies in the energy sector for the design, manufacturing and commissioning of complete process water treatment systems
H2O Innovation has been selected by two US companies in the energy sector for the design, manufacturing and commissioning of complete process water treatment systems. A first ultrafiltration ("UF") system will be supplied to a power plant located in New Jersey. This UF system will treat secondary effluent in order to produce 0.375 MGD (1,420 m3/day) of process water to be used in cooling towers and boiler applications. The system will integrate FiberFlexTM technology developed by H2O Innovation, allowing membrane module interchangeability. The second system will be provided to a refinery located in New Mexico and will produce 500 gpm (1.9 m3/min) of process water. The reverse osmosis (RO) system supplied by H2O Innovation will be installed on the concentrate stream of a primary RO unit and will act as a brine concentrator to further capture useable water from what would otherwise be a waste stream.
Also, H2O Innovation's proprietary technology Bio-BraneTM will be integrated into a wastewater treatment system for a municipality located in Saskatchewan, Canada. This technology, unique to H2O Innovation, has been chosen by the client due to the fragility of the receiving body and its low operation costs compared to other available technologies on the market. For the moment, H2O Innovation's team is working on the engineering and design phase of this project.
The Company also won a nanofiltration water treatment project for the municipality of Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, located in the Province of Quebec, Canada. The system, that will be designed, manufactured and commissioned by H2O Innovation, will produce 1.64 MGD (6,200 m3/day) of potable water from a surface water source. The manufacturing phase of the project will be preceded by a three-month validation piloting period.
Source: MarketWatch
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