HaloSource Extends Strategic Partnership With MNC

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HaloSource Extends Strategic Partnership With MNC

HaloSource Extends Agreement withMNC for Incorporation of its Bromine Based HaloPure Disinfection Technology in their Devices Sold in China for the Third Consecutive Year

HaloSource Inc. (HAL.L,HALO.L), a clean water and antimicrobialtechnologycompany, Wednesday said it has extended its stand-still agreement with a major multinational consumer goods company or MNC for incorporation of its bromine based HaloPure disinfection technology in their devices sold in China for the third consecutive year.

HaloSource has partnered with the MNC since 2012 and supplied its HaloPure disinfection technology for deployment in certain gravity fed water purification devices sold through the retail and online channels on an exclusive basis.

Under the terms of the ongoing arrangement, HaloSource will receive a one time payment of $500,000 in recognition of the 12 month exclusivity agreement.

Martin Coles, CEO of HaloSource, said, "We are delighted to be able to announce the third year extension of our partnership with one of the world's foremost MNC's in the all-important water purification sector."

Source: RTT News

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