Halosource Partners with Jarden Corp
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Business
Oster®Drinking Water Pitchers Powered by HaloSource's HaloPure®water Purification Technology Launched in Latin America
HaloSource, Inc.the global clean water technology company traded onLondon's AIM, announces partnership with Jarden Consumer Solutions, whollyowned subsidiary of Jarden Corporation (NYSE: JAH), a global Fortune 500 consumer goodscompany, to launch a line of Oster® drinking water pitchers powered by HaloSource'sHaloPure® water purification technology.
Jarden Corporation, parent company of JardenConsumer Solutions, is a global leader in the consumer products industry, with more than 120trusted brands in a portfolio sold across more than 100 countries.
This announcement givesfurther detail to the announcement on 26 June 2013 of a partnership with H20 International
and a major "Fortune 500 Company".
The Oster® brand is one of the leading brands in Latin America, and the initial launch istargeting Chile, Peru and Colombia, marking the first commercial deployment of HaloSource'sleading HaloPure® water disinfection technology in Latin America.
The Oster® brand'sdistribution strengths include hypermarkets, department stores and warehouse club stores.
By 2018, the Point of Entry / Point of Use ("PoE" / "PoU") water filtration and purificationindustry is expected to reach USD 16 billion in global sales according to a 2012 report by VerifyMarkets. HaloPure® is the enabling technology in category leading devices in China and India,through strategic partners that include Perfect Water Manufacturing Co. Ltd and Eureka ForbesLimited, respectively.
Partnering with Jarden Consumer Solutions entry into the fast growingLatin American market reinforces HaloSource's strategy of increasing the penetration of itsdrinking water purification technology around the globe through strong commercial partners.
Other PoU drinking water products on the market typically provide consumers with alternativesthat filter water to improve taste and remove only basic contaminants. The HaloSource productnot only delivers better tasting water but, most importantly, its HaloPure® technologysignificantly and quickly eliminates waterborne viruses and bacteria by 99.9% while preventingbacterial recontamination keeping treated water fresher for longer*.
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