Healthy Rivers

Published on by in Government

Healthy Rivers

The Department of Water & Environmental Regulation In Western Australia has just released a new website (Healthy Rivers) with information on our south-west rivers which, amongst other things, showcases our river diversity (including the rare and unique aquatic fauna), highlights some of the key threats and pressures, explains some of the science being done to inform management of rivers, and gives stakeholders and interested community access to the information. 

The site itself is primarily about river health, but includes summaries of and links to policies/guidance of water resource management in Western Australis. This includes water sharing plans (preserving ecological water requirements in the face of growing demand for water and a drying climate).

If you would like to take a look, the following pages are probably most interesting and relevant:


•        Management page

•        Overview video

•        Fauna page

•        Results page (search by river system)

Note: there is still a lot of information to be uploaded on over the next few weeks.

